Welcome to the
Elmwood Village Association
Making a Difference Together

Our Mission

The Elmwood Village Association is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life in our community. We strive to preserve and promote the unique character of Elmwood Village, while fostering a sense of belonging and pride among residents and visitors alike. With YOUR generous support and our various initiatives, events, and partnerships, we aim to create a vibrant and sustainable neighborhood that celebrates the arts, supports local businesses, and provides a better future for Elmwood and its residents.

Our organization was incorporated formally, as Forever Elmwood Corporation, in November of 1994. The Elmwood Village Association was built by the collective efforts of Elmwood Avenue small business owners, property owners, and neighborhood residents to improve the quality of life and support the Elmwood Avenue business district. With roots extending back into the 1980s, our organization has become the primary vehicle for community engagement shaping the future of our Buffalo Neighborhood.

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